Success Stories

"My school started using Account-Ability last fall and all of us were given our own user names and passwords to log in to the school computers. These were easy to learn, I had mine memorized the first day! Now I have my own folder to store my work which is awesome. Last year students were all using the same folder and other students were able to open up each other's work and mess it up, with Account-Ability that cannot happen again. I can log in from home through the Web Trekker and get to my work plus I can upload and download work to and from school. It is really easy and now I don't need a flash drive or floppy disk to take assignments back and forth. "
Tristan Dickinson - 5th Grader Purdy Elementary School
Gig Harbor, WA


Account-Ability™ Quote Request Form

Account-Ability™   StaffLync™   Both


First Name:
Last Name:
Email Address:


Please check the appropriate box and complete the information for the product/s identified.

District Information:

School District Name: 
Student Admin System:
(i.e. SASI, Skyward, Powerschool, Esis, Zangle etc)
HR System:
(StaffLync™ Only)
Network Operating System: version:

*Please fill in the enrollment numbers only for the schools you wish to provide with student network accounts.

Enrollment Information:

(Discounted grade level pricing based on district wide implementation)

Total Enrollment K-12:
Higher Ed/Student Count:
Enrollment: 6-12th Grade:
Enrollment 4-5th Grade:
(Discounted pricing-please include 6th grade with 4-5th grade if it is part of the Elementary School)
Enrollment: K-3rd Grade:
(FREE w/purchase of accounts for entire district)
(StaffLync™ Only) Employees/Staff:


Software Module Selection:


AA Modules:
HomeWork Interchange™   WebTrekker™
WebWarden™   Email
StaffLync™ Modules:
NetLync™   WebTrekker™
GroupLync™   Email

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